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slowpoke,老外告诉我的,后面两个是我查他的同义词得来的 stickinthemud,slowcoach 个人觉得slowpoke是我所能找到最合适的了,它的解释有“呆呆兽”的意思。

十点钟时他一动也不动翻译成英语,英语可以这样写At ten o #39clock he was still。

又如静雅安静静鞭帝王仪仗的一种,鞭形,振之作响,令人肃静也叫“鸣鞭”静办处安静的地方 静止,物体不运动跟“动”相反 stillmotionless怒则动,动则手足不静淮南子·本经树欲静而风不止。

Just now, he was motionless刚才他不能动了。

while I lay there motionless 那时,我四肢伸展开 sprawled on the floor 躺在地上,一动也不敢动 My name is Sarah 我叫沙拉 and I am but three, 我只有3岁 tonight my daddy 今夜我爸爸上海了我。

应该是stand there stillstand there without move虽然语法上也说得过去,但很别扭。

精神分裂症,用英语翻译1schizophrenia 2schiz 3slipt mind 4schizophrenosis 5schizo 6katatonia 7paleophrenia 8schitz 例句 1他就碰巧得了精神分裂症? And he just happens to come down with schizophrenia。

The wolf came Sunny spring day On hillside, grass all cage in pale stiff sunlight Crowd of sheep, the fat fat body healthy sheep, slowly are gnawing the grass They are chewing Very peaceful Each。

This is a little boy called dim storiesStation platform, looking forward to watching from afar dim, motionless Finally, the night train pulled dimto the father of the missingOn this day, with Father dim。

Wang Lin is a student of Yulin Middle school,not only does he study hard ,but he is helpfulOn March 12, he was seeing an old woman crossing the street when he was in his way home , a cayr passed。



Teachers, as an important part of teaching activities, its teaching characteristics have existing in preaching, etc, and uncertainty Therefore, the role of teachers, a quotguidequot word, also is the teacher#39s。



or motionless The canal edge ship crash into each other, like the ancients quarrelling或者这样翻译Brunei#39s capital Bandar Seri Begawan and Bangkok in Thailand are also closely related to the city and the。

the sisters, she actually could not She looks like is not oneself, actually has stood, face up looks the day, two lift up high separates, the control is upward, actually still sat down, motionless。





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