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1、汉语雷鸣的炮弹双语例句1She heard the sound of the guns thundering in the fog她听到雾中传来隆隆的枪炮声2Niccolini was thundering up the stairs, taking them two at a time尼科利尼一步两个台阶地。

2、steal one#39s thunder 窃取别人的方法抢别人的功劳抢别人的风头 steal 英 stil 美 stilvt偷 悄悄地做,悄悄地走 潜行 不正当的获得 vi偷 偷偷地行动秘密不显明地行动发生或消失 棒球。

3、How many times must the cannonballs fly 炮弹要飞行多少次 Before they are forever banned 才会永远被禁止 The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 我的朋友 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案就飘荡。



5、It#39s a warning to us all No, we#39ve never seen this kind of world And I hope that we can stop this cannonball Stop this cannonball Yeah We play the lead role With a lack of education And pay a。

6、歌曲名Cannonball 歌手Damien Rice 专辑Now That#39s What I Call Music! 80 CANNONBALL daminen rice Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt Still a。



8、Listen to music from Thundering Cannonballs like The Bible's True Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Thundering Cannonballs。

9、thundering 'θʌndәriŋ 中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE 释义 a 雷鸣般的, 雷一般响亮的, 非常的 adv 非常, 异常 s sounding like thunder s extraordinarily big or。

10、雷一般响亮的, 非常的ad 非常, 异常英语解释动词 thundermove fast, noisily, and ,thundering中英例句,英汉词典。

11、cannonballs 基本解释 n 炮弹 cannonball的名词复数 v 炮弹 cannonball的第三人称单数 中文词源 提示点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 For instance , in physics。

12、英英解释 动词 thunder move fast, noisily, and heavily utter words loudly and forcefully be the case that thunder is being heard to make or produce a loud noise 形容词 thundering。

13、thundering that made my belly quake 河水滚滚直泻,激起轰隆隆的可怕的巨响,使我不禁浑身发抖 辞典例句 She got much deserved thundering applause for her performance 她的。

14、爱游网今天精心准备的是 cannonball ,下面是详解 thundering cannonballs怎么读 “thundering cannonballs” 英音读θndr。



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