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一读音英#39nju#720zpe#618p#601r,美#39nu#720zpe#618p#601r二例句I learned this news from the newspaper我从报纸上得知这个消息三词汇用法1newspaper的基本意思是“报道。


报纸的英文是newspaper复数newspapers 读音英 #712nju#720zpe#618p#601r美 #712nu#720zpe#618p#601r短语in the newspaper 在报纸上 newspaper reporter 记者 用法表示“报纸。

我下班回到家里,喜欢看看报纸,放松一下Give us the newspaper, will you?把报纸给我好吗The newspaper story is based on hard facts报纸的这篇报道有可靠的事实根据Free newspapers,please take one报纸免费。

在英语中,看报纸被译为read newspapers,为固定搭配用法read不可以换成watchlook等动词,报纸newspaper一词必须与阅读read搭配使用read的含义是阅读,为及物名词,后面接具体的物品如书本books报纸newspapers等例句1。

newspaper 名词 1报,报纸2新闻纸,白报纸a daily weekly newspaper 日周报 a newspaper man 新闻记者新闻从业员 a newspaper office 报社 the newspaper world 报界,新闻界不及物动词 从事新闻。

newspaper对应的音标是 #712nju#720zpe#618p#601r这个单词的意思是新闻报纸是一个合成词要注意的是,这是个不可数名词。

学校里的社团应该是 association 或者society 报社可以是 newspaper office,所以你们的小社团,可以用 newspaper association 或者news association。

up #652pearly #39#601lihalf hafback baeligknewspapers #39njus,peip#601radio #39reidi#601uherself h#601#39selffactory #39faeligkt#601ritwinstw#618nz。



正确应该是Some reading books or newspapers,一些阅读书籍或报纸,具体翻译还要根据一定的语境完整的句子而有所调整。

新闻报纸更环保,便于携带翻译为英文是The news newspapers are more environmentally friendly and easy to carry注请提问者珍惜回答者付出的知识和劳动,及时采纳答案。

1 How many newspapers did you subscribe?2 I subscribed to many newspapers I suscribed three newspapers3 How much is the annual subscription cost for a newspaper?4 The annual subscription of a。



Choose your historical marker to begin the history of newspapers The first news sheet? The first newspaper? The first daily newspaper?Prehistory quotnewspapersquot were onetoone in nature The earliest variation。


quotNo newspaper worldquot information intensive now, it is difficult for us to imagine although I haven#39t had to read the newspaper There is no newspaper If really has no newspapers, so must not have。

Almost every family buys as least one copy of a newspaper every day Some people subscribe to as many as two or three different newspapers But why do people read newspapers?Five hundred years ago, news of。



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