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tookon翻译、took off翻译


1 梅西是一个最有天赋的足球运动员在欧洲,他打破了一年进球最多的记录Having set the record 意思就是打破记录,或者写下这一记录的意思在经历了短暂而又频繁的地震和废墟的清理后,这座城市有了新的变化;lookon的意思是观看,旁观看待lookon的意思是观看,旁观看待lookon的英英释义是VerbobservewithattentionquotTheywatchedasthemurdererwasexecutedquotlookonasorconsiderquotshelookedonthisaffairasajokequotquotHethinksofhimself。

1 The lady took learning drawing into her life at the age of 70直接翻译成The lady began to learn drawing at the age of 70不是更简洁这老师搞啥玩意2Nowadays, migrant workers have been;The teacher came in with a book in his hand伴随take还可以和很多词一起构成短语,如take a bus 乘公共汽车,take on a new look 呈现新面貌take up 占据 take out 拿出,取出take a look 看一看。

威廉先生是个非常小心的司机一天晚上他开车回家来到一个十字路口,因为看到了一个quot慢quot的路牌,他放慢了速度当来到主干道的时候,他两边都看了看,发觉两边都没有车子来往,于是没停就直接开了过去立即,他就听到了;4 He has been on the boards all his life5 He took on the job which gave him full board and 30 dollars a week英汉词义范围的比较1 大与小 每个词所表达的概念的外延各有广度,或称大与小英语词“A” 可与。

took off翻译

1、on 就是在之上,上面。

2、gods took note of the human They asked human beings worship them, obey them, human beings were the best thing they sacrifice to the gods In exchange, they can protect human, blessings to them On one。


tookon翻译、took off翻译

4、He took the twopiece suit he had tried on他买下了试穿过的两件套西服18 租用,租得定座订阅to take a newspaper订阅报纸The couple took the house for 2 years夫妇俩把这座房子租了两年19 忍受经受。

5、It was the first time that my dream took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training那是第一次我的梦想呈现出栩栩如生的形式,而且我的梦想担当了重任,鼓励了我最初的训练As I。


1、3公共汽车船舶等上客,装货,补充燃料 If a vehicle such as a bus or ship takes on passengers, goods, or fuel, it stops in order to allow them to get on or to be loaded on This is a。

2、1631644In an inspired move, they took on the relatively inexperienced Ray Unwin as director他们偶然选择了相对缺乏经验的Ray Unwin担任总监1632357I hope this success will inspire you to greater。

3、中文翻译我不想承担这个项目2短语翻译 take on take on 英te#618k #594n 美te#618k ɑ#720n承担,接受尤指艰巨工作或重大责任 呈现,显出新面貌或新特点 公共汽车船舶。

tookon翻译、took off翻译

4、One day he went out to the sea with his friends During the trip, the ship sank and many people lost their lives, but Robinson survivedHe took everything that was on the ship to start a new life on。



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