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1、predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科。



3、2hesitate asking是不好意思提问的意思,虚心请教用“consult in an open mindquot比较合适所以第一句的第二并列部分宜改为and always consulted with predecessor in an open mind3apply是行为动词,不需要助动词do来。

4、its predecessors,but it#39s definitely quotnosmall Marvelquot,says USA Today从各个方面来看,2009年已经成为“实时网络”年2009 has in many ways been the Year of the RealTime Web希望能帮助到你,望采纳。

5、predecessors, but it#39s definitely quotnosmall Marvelquot, says USA Today从各个方面来看,2009年已经成为“实时网络”年2009 has in many ways been the Year of the RealTime Web希望能帮助到你,望采纳。

6、It would be unfair to suggest that he will be no more effective than his predecessors 暗示他不会比前任们更有作为是不公平的四unfair的比较级more unfair I have complained about unfair destiny, destiny can。

7、例句1精品银行能够参与竞争而不损及自己的独立性,并且避开困住了前辈的陷阱吗Can boutiques compete without compromising their independence and avoid the pitfallsthat trapped their predecessors?2Other sites offer a。

8、承袭权利,继承权利 承袭承租人或其前任权利的任何人。

9、但由于偿还新债的成本日益高昂,这样的结构性改革很难实现2Accomplish them within the deadline在规定期限内完成它们3He may accomplish more than his recent predecessors combined可能野田佳彦比他的前任取得更大。

10、taking attendance 全部释义和例句 出席 attendance英#601#712tend#601ns美#601#712t#603nd#601nsn出席率 出席,参加 出席者,出席人数网络出席,出席人数 出勤 出勤率例句。

11、get password from this page 从本页获取密码 双语例句 1 Please be sure to get the password from your predecessors!请务必向贵分会的前任干部索取密码2 A better approach is to pass a file name and get the。

12、after pointing out the predecessorsmistake of multiple modelbased discounted cash flow improving model, on the basis of residual earnings model, this paper deduces the PB multiplebased residual earnings model。

13、unknown fields of mankind,人类未知的领域这个是原文向为人类未知领域探索,为国家和民族作出重大贡献的前辈先贤致以最崇高的敬意浙大外包译文#160Let’s express our highest respect to those predecessors。

14、quotAlthough from the outset have appreciated his great predecessors, may be 11yearold went into the theater world, Shun Oguri and there have beenquot vase quotperiod, but good After years of tempering stage, whether it is。

15、Make no mistakes in many cases the love email messages significantly resemble their aromatic predecessors The verbal imagery has hardly changed SMS messages, however, have necessitated the development of a new。

16、plagiarism checking 抄袭检测 Some citation norms are expounded, such as avoiding plagiarism, citingprofessional books, annotating volume and chapter, checking citations, highlightingtranscends and respecting predecessors以。




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