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outofpocket翻译-pocket edition翻译



2、Out of Pocket Expenses的翻译是实付开支,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,掌握好CMA词汇可以让您在CMA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的意义如下基于商业或个人原因支付的开支,这类开支一般可以免税希望高顿网校。

outofpocket翻译-pocket edition翻译

3、有钱 赢钱, 赚钱 剩下金钱line one#39s pocket 赚大钱, 获得不法利益, 肥私囊 out of pocket expenses 用现金付出费用, 实际支出 pay out of one#39s ownpocket 自己掏钱支付 pick a pocket 扒窃 pick sb#39s。

4、Out of Pocket Expenses实付开支您所说的这个词语,是属于FRM词汇的一个,掌握好FRM词汇可以让您在FRM的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下基于商业或个人原因支付的开支,这类开支一般可以免税 希望高顿网校的回答。

outofpocket翻译-pocket edition翻译

5、outofpocket maximum指的是自己掏这一部分的上限举个例子,医疗费用为4000,deductible是1000, 保险公司报销50%,outofpocket maximum是2000本来自己要掏的部分是1000deductible+ 1500未报销的50%×3000=。


7、newboy的意思是新来的男孩newboy是英文单词new和boy的组合,翻译成中文可以表示新生的意思,常用在形容人们经过磨难历练之后,重新出发,展示和原来不同的自己双语例句 Thenewboytooktwobroadcoppersoutofhispocketandheldthem。


9、在零度以上n加号 数学正量 好处 附加物adj加的 正的 附加的 比所示数量多的I charge twenty dollars an hour plus outofpocket expenses我每小时收取20美元,另加垫付的现金开支。

10、这个也是可以的If I run out of pocket money in advance, to advance next month。

11、the little boy saw the scaring scene,and started to run,and the little kangaroo came out of his infant pocket,the funning thins is ,tha wallaroo put the little boy into her infant pocket instead of her。

12、Over the past few years, total out of pocket costs for people with insurance rose by a third在过去的几年里,对保险人的口袋里了总成本上升了三分之一 And we know that if we do not reform the system。

13、trend with each passing day, new forms and styles, the irresistible tide of the times Taiwan stretching from Paris to Milan conference renovation tricks always faster than the speed of paying out of pocket。

14、Get your hoe out of pocket, I#39ll put a charge on a bitch Cause I need 4 TVs and AMGs for the six Hoe make a pimp rich, I ain#39t paying bitch Catch a date, suck a dick, shiiit, TRICK I don。

15、My heart is heavy, as members of the hope project should be offered a love, and his school from my bank out of pocket money, save in the last two years will be sent to the city of hope engineering。

16、公司将赔偿, 保护并且容纳从任何和全部责任和无害的顾问, 损坏,伤,索赔,衣服,判断,索赔,诉论事由, 并且花费包括合理律师费, 法庭费用和现金支出由于任何代表的破坏由顾问遭受或者招致或者保证做 此中在下或者任何。



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