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faxmachine是什么意思-farecard machine什么意思


可以上网的电脑就能发传真,现在不是一直都在宣传网络传真么,LZ可以看一下相关的资料我这边推荐您可以上网搜索一下FAX898网络传真,LZ现在注册成为他们的用户还可以进行免费的网络传真试用,或许会感兴趣哦;n 传真机 传真通信 v 传真 fax faeligksn 传真 v 传真 ExamplesI was on vacation last week and didn#39t receive your fax上星期我正在度假, 没收到你们的传真After you think it over;“Fax machine”是指一种电子通讯设备,用于传输文字图像或文件等信息它可以通过电话线或互联网等传输媒介,将文件或图片等信息传输到远程的传真机或电脑上传真机通常具有打印扫描复印等功能,可以方便地传输和处理各;file的现在分词,美语中,file有“提起,提出”之意这里是现在是分词作定语,修饰后面的中心词deadline3 Everything 主语that came in off the fax machine last night定语从句is系动词all状语on your;My office is on the second floor of the building, there are ten desks in it, everyone has a computer and a telephone on his or her desk We also have a fax machine and a photocopier in the office。

用作名词nWe receive a fax of the order this morning我们今天上午收到一份传真订单用作动词vCould you fax me the latest version?你可不可以把最新版本传真给我?三词汇用法1fax作动词时的意思是;Step1 Check the fax machine plug After you check the fax machine power supply, check to make certain that its telephone cord is plugged into a phone jackStep2 Insert the document that you wish to fax;“Faxquot是quotfacsimilequot的缩写,意思是quot传真”双语例句1The machine automatically downloads the required information to his or her fax机器能自动将需要的信息下载到传真机上2Pop it in the post, or get。

参考答案ones 指faxes it 也是指“接收传真的过程”整句的意思是看起来这台传真机吞没了我的一半重要传真没有正常接收过来但是收到的传真要么呈模糊的红色,要么着色太淡看不清祝您学习进步,阿弥陀。

As a result of the use of my office fax machine takes too long greater than or equal to nine years Over the past year the use of frequent, despite repeated repairs, it is now has been unable to;things in the officeChair 椅子 ,Table 桌子 ,paper纸张,pen 笔,pencil 铅笔 ,eraser胶擦,pencil sharpener铅笔刨,computer电脑,telephone电话,photostat machine复印件,fax machine传真机,shreeder machine 割纸机。

faxmachine是什么意思-farecard machine什么意思

您打印机面板上显示的Answermachine是只答录机,您选择的是以答录机方式接收传真,您如果要选择其他,可以在打印机面板上接听模式中选择即可,如果以上信息没有解决您的问题,您还可以继续追问,或是通过访问惠普技术支持网页;Optional, doublesided components, the simulation component, resolution, fax machine for paper quantity, the price;因为工厂那边的传真机出了问题,报告就延误了一段时间才传过来后来又因为我们这边有段时间网络较慢, 所以上传的报告就超过了规定的时间Because of the problem of the fax machine there in the factory, the report。

faxmachine是什么意思-farecard machine什么意思



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