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1、whatever it took to keep the good 是主语从句,可改写含定语从句的名词短语 everything which it took to keep the good主句是 whatever will of his tether to life,其中助动词 will 不能单独作谓语动词,应该是;tether eg tether one#39s plan to one#39s resources 将计划限于自己财力准许的范围之内 chained He is chained to his work 他工作忙得不能分身fetteredadjfetterv 为上脚镣,束缚,抑制 fetter ***;具体的USDT的总量是变动的,可以增发可以销毁,目前的总量可以在其官网上查到 截止2019年8月28日,不同版本的总量情况如下图首先要明白一点不同版本 USDT 是基于不同公链的;请在手机上安装Reverse Tether这款软件并允许,允许后会弹出是否允许获得Root权限,请点击是,然后一路点击Next,直到出现We#39re Ready界面,将全部方框都打勾,接着点击Start按钮接下来只需点击Connect即可进行连接,连接成功后或显示Connected。


2、Tether既可以指绳链,项圈,也可以指用绳子,链子栓住的动作引申的意思就是将一样东西依附于另外一样东西,或者表达两者之间的牵制作用The officer dismounted, tethering his horse to a tree这位军官下了马,把马;To claim as one#39s own个人利益或者执着staked out a place for herself in industry对她自己在工业中留一席之地 To fasten, secure, or support with a stake or stakes用木桩系住,保护或者支撑 To tether or;你好,同学 正确翻译圣诞节是全家人应该在一起相聚的特殊节日the whole family 是全家人的意思,前面应该加the,也可以说是固定用法吧,如 the whole day 一整天 the whole morning 整个一上午 希望能帮到你,祝更上。

3、山穷水尽 1be at the end of one#39s tether 2the end of hills and rivers at the end of one#39s tether 3to be at one#39s last shift to be at the end of one#39s means 例句利昂失了业,身无分。

4、At the end of their tether, and able to extricate themselves, is not weak!26任何时候我都要把自己的心灵调出一个合适的温度I have to put your mind at any time finding a suitable temperature27生活的;bound 被捆绑的, 被束缚的 bound hands 被缚住的双手 tied egI tied the sticks together 我把那些棍子捆在了一起tied up egThe treffic was tied up by th accidenttether eg tether one#39s plan to one;LZ作者把世界看做疲倦不堪无法自行恢复的世界在过去,他倾向于认为面对普遍存在的匮乏,人能够逃离纠葛从新开始人生的创新阶段,而这是一种乐观主义所赋予的坚韧的犬儒主义普通人都处于系链的末端,物种中只有小部分;s of my business 例OK, you#39re in trouble, but it#39s of my business6it doesn#39t have anything to do with me 例OK, you#39re leaving But it doesn#39t have anything to do with me。

5、USDT是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元USD的代币Tether USD下称USDT,1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行11兑换Tether公司严格遵守11准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的;’”三国语词典捆绑拴缚词语翻译英语totieup,tobind,totether,bondageBDSM_。


6、Eg I always feel down in the dumps when I go back to work after a long weekend 每次周末过后去上班的时候,我的心情都很低落At the end of your rope tether to feel very upset because you’re no。



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