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1、标志也扣不掉 苹果这个标志主要是因为果园的因素,然后为什么被咬一口呢其实这是因为英文中bite咬的过去式bit正好和计算机的最小单位bit同字而苹果最初是电脑公司,所以就由Apple变为Apple Bite苹果咬一口了;WELCOME菁讲 新一期全网上线欢迎来到“菁讲”HEY 观看方式 点击下方小程序即刻观看课程简介本期课程介绍前交叉韧带止点撕脱;So let me taste your applebite 来 就让我品尝一番你的翘臀 Baby, parlezvous fran ais?宝贝 你会说法语吗 I#39m so ready to go 我迫不及待了 Girl, do you speak body language?女孩 你能懂我的身体语言吗 S。


2、咬苹果 Bite the Apple Bite the Apple is a game for Halloween 咬苹果是万圣节的游戏First get a big tub and fill it with water 首先准备一个大盆,装满水Then choose small apples, bite size, wash;So let me taste your applebite Baby, parlezvous fran#231ais?I#39m so ready to go Girl, do you speak body language?So I#39ll need to know I#39ll catch a plane to go and see them girl I love the。

3、An apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一苹果,医生远离我apple这个词,除了表达它的本意“苹果”之外,还有很多别的意思;Apple must bite the AI appleAs the deadlinefor its big developer conference approaches, can Apple hop on the generative AIbandwagon。

4、咬苹果 Bite the Apple Bite the Apple is a game for Halloween 咬苹果是万圣节的游戏First get a big tub and fill it with water 首先准备一个大盆,装满水Then choose small apples, bite size, wash the;滑动查看双语文本Apple is one of the most iconic brands in the world, with an instantly recognizable logo, that's included on almost every;官方发布苹果手机充电线保护套CABLE BITE新款商品,这次是罗和萨波2018年12月发售售价734日元这个鬼畜周边系;据说在计算机里面字节Byte跟咬Bite是谐音这完美契合了苹果电脑的中心思想所以这个观点一定是真的!Rob Janoff;First came Apple Pay, then a credit card Now, the tech giant has launched a sav­ings account and a 'buy now, pay later' scheme。





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