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5月1日国际劳动节起源于美国芝加哥的工人罢工 1886年5月1日,芝加哥超过216,000名工人举行总罢工,争取8小时的工作制度After a hard bloody struggle, they finally won To commemorate this great workers#39 movement;3Lei was a model solider from who died in 1962, at the age of 22, when a telegraph pole fell on him雷是一位模范士兵死于1962,年仅22岁,当时一根电线杆砸在他的身上4Lei siyu, who graduated from。

一详细释义 , n , 电报,电讯 , 例句 ,Among these were a relay booster for telegraph lines and a firesafety curtain for theaters,其中包括电报线路的继电调压器和剧院防火帘, 例句 ,Do you happ;Richard wrapped his car around a telegraph pole理查德开车撞上电话线杆with objComputingcause a word or unit of text to be carried over to a new line automatically as the margin is reached, or。

On the second trip of the afternoon he ran into a crowd about half way along the line, that had blocked the car#39s progress with an old telegraph pole他下午第二次出车时,开到半路遇到了一群人,他们用。


电报telegraph电冰箱 fridge电池battery电话打电话 phone=telephone电话打电话给 telephone电话传呼机 beeper电脑,计算机 computer电视机 TV电梯云雾消散 lift电影film电影movie电影院电影 cinema电子的 electronic电子邮件 email。


telegraph的意思有n 电报通信方式v 打电报 用电报发送电文 电告 无意中流露思想,泄露动机有关的造句如下1 Now I must telegraph your father to come现在我必须发电报叫你父亲来。


2用作动词时意为用竿支撑,用棒推,撑篙,给支托架,为支秧架造句1The truck crashed into a telegraph pole翻译卡车撞上了电线杆2For six months of the year, there is hardly any light。

The sparrow out of the window is talkative on the telegraph poleYou say that it has the feeling of the summerThe pencil in my hand comes up the return back in the paper I describe who you’ve become。


1、Winter in my hometown on the streets of the town is full of snow, also was frozen on the telegraph pole Snow, the snow like catkin, falling down like a photo, so beautiful The snow has stopped, the roof of。

2、vt 用篙撑船,摆船vt 航海 用一根杆来推动 以杆推进 以杆支撑植物 用杆子击打戳或搅拌例句The truck crashed into a telegraph pole 卡车撞到了电线杆上其他 第三人称单数Pol。


4、930这些是苹果931这些是桔子932个苹果和桔子是果子933玛丽是否保留果子在冷藏库934几点了?935时间是五5 00936它是五937玛丽将做汤938几点了?939它fivethirty 5 30940玛丽做汤 941土豆在罐。

5、copper pole 铜杆 双语例句 1 For here we can see that, rareearth additive can remove harmful substances in liquid Cu effectively so that conductivity of nonoxygen copper pole is enhanced至此我们可以看出。

6、磁极 词典 pole 物 magnetic pole dip pole例句这是另一个磁极,一个磁极和So this is one of the magnetic poles and this is the other magnetic pole。



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