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ort是一个网络用语,意思是“佩服”在网民的交流中,ort这个图示的意义是一个人面向左方俯跪在地在日文中原本的意义是“失意体前屈”,o代表这个人的头r代表手以及身体,t代表的是脚Orz随著使用的广泛,其涵意;telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机。

Times need heroes, and heroes stand out Franklin Roose velt is just a hero of the times Well known for his unprecedented 13 years as the President of U S , he is regarded as a savior of America;雷锋出差一千里,好事做了一火车”人们流传着这样一句话是的,他就是我最崇拜的人雷锋42年来,雷锋这个伟大的名字家喻户晓熠熠生辉,雷锋精神成为亿万人民的自觉实践42年来,雷锋激励着一代又一代人,刻苦。

he began his first career as a quottramp telegrapher,quot going from place to place including Ontario, Cincinatti and Nashville, offering his skills as a telegrapher He finally settled in Boston, working the New;Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist He was born in 1847 When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked He was in school for only three months He asked his teacher a lot o。

weeks Edison was a better telegrapher than his teacher Edison was sober and independent for his age, but hen was restless and very careless in his dress He began to wander from city to city and from job to job;week after the station had closed for the nightand in three weeks Edison was a better telegrapher than his teacherEdison was sober and independent for his age, but hen was restless and very careless in his。


1、Edison was born in the United States, was a great inventor He stayed in school only three months, the total number of question and has nothing to do homework Later, his mother brought him home, and he。

2、电磁能流密度矢量现在普遍叫坡印廷矢量Poynting vector,但事实上亥维赛与坡印廷几乎同时独立地提出了电磁能流密度概念传输线方程也叫电报方程,telegrapher#39s equations,是亥维赛独立发明的科学史上,很多科学。

3、春夏秋冬的表演 春夏秋冬,像四位神奇的演员,在自然这个大舞台上表演着各自的绝招春 瞧,翠绿的大幕拉开了春姑娘穿着五彩的霓裳,轻盈地走上了舞台,她把长袖一挥,大地上的草丛树木都被染上了绿色春姑娘。



1、One of his mentors during those early years was a fellow telegrapher and inventor named Franklin Leonard Pope, who allowed the then impoverished youth to live and work in the basement of his Elizabeth, New Jersey home。

2、he began his first career as a quottramp telegrapher,quot going from place to place including Ontario,Cincinatti and Nashville,offering his skills as a telegrapherHe finally settled in Boston,working the New York wire for。

3、Thomas Alva Edison February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931 was an American inventor and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph and a long。


4、and with the help of one of the station masters, he learned this skill He became a telegrapher at the age of 15 and began working for Western Union in such places as Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Memphis。



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